Are there PFOA's in this?
Lightweight & Versatile: Effectively suppresses liquid or grease fires and works on different types of fires. Also functions as a thermal or heat shield.
Essential Kitchen & Outdoor Gear: A must-have for your kitchen, backyard, and vehicle survival kit, providing reliable protection.
No Mess Solution: Made from 100% quality flame retardant material. Composed of two layers of woven fiberglass fabric and an inner layer of fire retardant film.
Flexibility and Durability: Fiberglass fire blankets are flexible and durable, making them easy to handle and store. They can be quickly unfolded and used to smother small fires or wrap around a person in case of a fire emergency.
High-Temperature Resistant: Withstand temperatures up to 1,000 ℃ (1,832 °F) or even more without melting or igniting. And fiberglass is inherently fire-resistant because it lacks the carbon-hydrogen bonds that are essential for combustion.
Non-Conductive & Chemical Resistance: It uses Epoxy Resin as resistant binder to help protect users from electrical fires or situations where live electrical equipment is involved and those involving hazardous materials.
Thermal Insulation: Fiberglass naturally has good thermal insulation properties. It can absorb and disperse heat energy effectively, which helps protect against heat transfer and prevents the spread of fire.
Minimal Off-Gassing: When exposed to high temperatures, fiberglass emits minimal smoke and harmful gases.
ReddyHero has over 310,000 happy customers with an average review of 4.7 out of 5 stars.
Most start from simple oil based cooking. A few tablespoons of oil at the wrong temperature and disaster can happen in the blink of an eye. They are more common than people think, yet it can happen to anyone.
Keeping the ReddyHero in your kitchen is one of the most important decisions you can make for you and your family. Just pull the straps to release the fire blanket, cover it over the fire and it's quickly suffocated before getting out of control.No more heavy, messy and complicated fire extinguishers.
Keeping at least one in the house per person is vital. It's a one time purchase that can save lives and thousands in damages.
Grab Yours Before the Timer Ends!
Are there PFOA's in this?